Prayer for visitors to our church

Gracious God, bless all those who visit our church.
May it be a place where the sorrowful find comfort and the joyful give thanks.

Where the tempted find strength and the sinner finds forgiveness.

 Where the wanderer finds fellowship and the faithful find grace.

 Where the disturbed are comforted and the comfortable are disturbed.



                               RHYTHMS OF PRAYER DURING THE DAY

Prayer is like breathing in and out. It is like a never-ending conversation, but may often be wordless. It can be prompted by beauty or sorrow or joy or just the humdrum tasks. It can be thankfulness or confession, pleading intercession or restful awareness of God's presence in the everyday.

In the Anglican tradition, there are also set prayers which can help at different stages of the day. In the modern day with many of us with access to the internet, it is possible to use your phone or tablet or laptop to follow morning, evening and night prayers with set readings from the bible as well as psalms, special responses and prompts for prayers of intercession for others. Here is a link to an online prayer book produced by the Church of England:

                             THE PARISH OF ST HILDA WARLEY WOODS

Our church is at the heart of a parish containing some 4,100 homes and 10,500 people. It is part of our Anglican way of life that we pray and have particular concern for the people who live and work in this geographical space. This does not mean to say we don't pray for the world beyond this small area, our prayers will of course take us wherever God's loving concern pulls us.

This guide is to help you plot a way of praying for the streets and places in our parish where people gather to live, work and pray. As you pray for these places through the coming months perhaps you can use this simple prayer of blessing from Numbers 6.22-24:

                                  The Lord bless you and keep you.

            The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.

            The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.